



An association was established with the name of Geriatric Physiotherapists Association with its headquarters in Ankara.


-To gather together physiotherapists who have graduated from the Faculties of Health Sciences of Turkish Universities- Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Departments and Schools of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation with at least 4 years of undergraduate diploma and who work in any field related to geriatric physiotherapy,

- To enable physiotherapists to increase their clinical knowledge and skills related to geriatric rehabilitation and to provide training for this, to improve practical studies by increasing professional knowledge and communication,

- To encourage physiotherapists to carry out special studies for the elderly and to develop national standards and to create resources related to this,

- To inform colleagues about new developments in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation regarding the elderly and to encourage scientific research on the subject,

- To ensure the spread of the subject of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Geriatrics in Turkey and to provide social education on this subject by creating public awareness,

- To help create health policies related to Geriatric Rehabilitation and to take part in these policies as a reference,

- To carry out studies in the fields related to elderly rehabilitation and home care services of the elderly and to take part in multidisciplinary work programs with other health personnel working on this subject,

- To provide consultancy services on issues related to elderly health and geriatric physiotherapy and in community services related to this,

- To provide social education to increase the quality of life in healthy aging and old age,

- To carry out studies in all areas related to elderly health,

- To support the "International Association for Physical Therapists working with Older People = IPTOP", to produce joint studies and projects, to implement these studies at national and international level and to make them functional,

- To communicate with other national and international professional organizations and related associations working with the elderly, to create common working areas and to carry out scientific studies,

- To open private centers and institutions in order to make geriatric rehabilitation approaches.


To realize the objectives and service of the Association:

-Geriatric Physiotherapists Association; all kinds of national and international meetings, seminars in order to inform and educate its members, all non-member colleagues, other health personnel working with the elderly, the public and the managers of the institution about the chronic diseases and functional losses that occur with old age in the normal aging process, their prevention and rehabilitation, home care, healthy aging, increasing the quality of life in old age and other issues for the purpose of the association, panels, conferences, congresses, courses, festivals, fairs, interviews, activities and other events.

-Geriatric Physiotherapists Association; research together with its own members or members of relevant professional associations, Universities, Public institutions and organizations and Nursing Homes and Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance and Labor, Administration for the Handicapped, SHÇEK, State Planning Organization, United Nations, UNFPA and other institutions and organizations related to the elderly and related non-governmental organizations, local governments and institutions / organizations providing home care services, conducts reviews, developments, studies, council meetings and surveys. It takes an active part in these meetings, makes suggestions and wishes, makes workshop decisions and can publish them with various publishing tools such as magazines, books, bouquets, report files when necessary.


Founders of the Association (Physiotherapists)




Honorary ( Honorary )

There are two types of members.


Those who have graduated from the Physiotherapy-Rehabilitation Schools and departments of Turkish Universities with at least a 4-year undergraduate diploma and who request to become a member of the commitment to fulfill their financial obligations to this membership from the physiotherapists working in any field related to geriatric physiotherapy are accepted to the Association as (PRINCIPAL MEMBER) by the decision of the Board of Directors.


Persons who show close attention to the Association, which has been serving for elderly people for a long time at home and abroad, who protect it, who provide assistance in accordance with its purpose or who donate to the Association, are deemed to be HONORARY MEMBERS by the Decision of the Board of Directors.

Provisions regarding those who are legally prevented from being members of associations are reserved.

Those who want to become a member of the Association (PRINCIPAL MEMBER) apply to the Chairman of the Board of Directors by signing the request to be specified by the Board of Directors with their two photographs.

The requests of the requesters shall be announced at the place of work of the Association for fifteen days.

The members of the Association may submit their confidential thoughts to the Chairman of the Board of Directors in writing and orally about the tenderers whose requests have been announced.

It is not obligatory to give reasons to those whose requests are rejected.

There is no need to make a request for "honorary members".

"Honorary membership" is granted ex officio by the Board of Directors.

Those whose requests are accepted are recorded in the book of "PRINCIPAL MEMBER" and honorary members are recorded in the book "HONORARY MEMBER" and given an "Identity Card".

The principal members are obliged by this charter to fulfill the material and moral obligations stipulated in the orderly manner.

ARTICLE 5- The membership of the members who act contrary to the purpose, honor and bylaws of the Association shall end with resignation and dismissal from membership. Removal from membership is made by the decision of the Board of Directors. Each member has the right to withdraw from the association upon written notice.



The General Assembly is the highest decision-making and supervisory body of the Association.

The General Assembly convenes ordinarily and extraordinarily.

ARTICLE 7- The General Assembly convenes every three years in November,

It convenes extraordinarily when deemed necessary by the management or the supervisory board or upon the request of 1/5 of the members of the association.

General Assembly meetings are held at the place determined by the Board of Directors. The General Assembly is called to a meeting by the Board of Directors at least 15 days in advance. For this purpose, the day, time, place and agenda of the meeting shall be reported. The procedure for calling a meeting and the issues related to the postponement of the meeting shall be regulated by regulation.

The board of directors prepares the list of members who have the right to participate in the general assembly according to the association's statutes. Members who have the right to attend the General Assembly shall be summoned to the meeting at least fifteen days in advance by announcing the day, time, place and agenda in a newspaper or by written or electronic mail. In this call, if the meeting cannot be held due to the lack of majority, it shall be indicated on which day, time and place the second meeting will be held. The period between the first meeting and the second meeting cannot be less than seven days and not more than sixty days.

If the meeting is postponed for any reason other than the reason for not being able to obtain a majority, this situation shall be duly announced to the members by stating the reasons for the postponement and the call for the first meeting shall be duly announced. The second meeting must be held no later than six months from the date of postponement. The members shall be recalled to the second meeting in accordance with the principles specified in the first paragraph.

The general assembly meeting cannot be postponed more than once.

ARTICLE 8- The General Assembly convenes with the participation of more than one half of the members who have the right to participate in the general assembly according to the statutes of the Association.

If a sufficient number cannot be provided in the first meeting, a majority is not required in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending the meeting should not be less than twice the total number of members of the association's management and supervisory boards.

ARTICLE 9- The General Assembly meeting is held on the day, time and place specified in the announcement.

Members enter the meeting place by signing their names in front of the list prepared by the board of directors.

If the integer is provided, this shall be determined by the minutes and the meeting shall be opened by one of the members of the board of directors.

ARTICLE 10- In cases where the quorum for the meeting is reached, the meeting shall be opened under the direction of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the chairman and vice president of the General Assembly and a board of two clerks (GENERAL ASSEMBLY COUNCIL) shall be elected.

The President, the Vice President and the clerks are obliged to prepare and sign the minutes of the General Assembly and submit them to the Board of Directors.

The submission of the minutes of the General Assembly to the relevant official authorities is made by the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE 11- The decisions of the General Assembly are announced to all members via e-mail.

ARTICLE 12- Voting and decision-taking procedures and forms in the General Assembly:

At the general meeting, each principal member has one vote and can use it in person.

Decisions are taken by majority in general assemblies.

In the general assembly meeting, only the items on the agenda are discussed. However, it is obligatory to put on the agenda the issues requested to be discussed by at least one tenth of the members present at the meeting.

ARTICLE 13- Duties and Powers of the General Assembly:

a. Election of the bodies of the association.

b. Amendment of the statutes of the association.

c. Discussion of the reports of the boards of directors and supervisory boards, discharge of the board of directors.

d. Discussing the budget prepared by the Board of Directors and accepting it as it is or as amended.

e. To decide on the opening of branches of the association and to authorize the founders of branches.

f. Authorizing the board of directors to sell the immovable property necessary for the association.

g. Joining and separation of the Association into the International Association.

h. The Association is engaged in international activities, participates in or leaves as a member of associations or organizations abroad.

i. Dissolution of the association.

j. Fulfillment of other duties specified by the general assembly in the legislation and the statutes of the association.


a) To represent the Association or to authorize one or more of its members in this regard.

b) To make the calculations related to the income and expense accounts of the Association and to prepare the budget for the next period and present it to the General Assembly.

c) In the event that non-Turkish citizens are accepted as members of the association, to notify them to the highest civil authority of the locality within ten days.

d) To perform other duties assigned to him by the statutes and legislation of the Association and to exercise the powers.

e) It is among the duties of the Board of Directors to make changes among the chapters of the budget for compulsory reasons and to add the revenues that are more than the estimated to the relevant chapters in the budget. The board of directors has the absolute authority to regulate the form and conditions under which the members can benefit from the services of the association.

f) To cooperate with the international association whose address is reported below

g) To prepare annual work schedules.

h) To check the facilities of the books and records that must be kept according to the law on associations.

i) To determine the works to be published, the services to be carried out in the research and studies to be supported financially, and those who will participate in congresses and scientific meetings at home and abroad.

j) To prepare scientific publications such as magazines and brochures in order to raise public awareness, to provide in-service training and communication between physiotherapists.

Publications such as magazines and brochures cannot be published without the decision of the Board of Directors. The name, surname and signatures of the chairman and members of the board of directors participating in the decision to publish these publications must be present. A copy of the written text prepared by the decision of the relevant board of directors must be submitted to the Public Press Prosecutor's Office.


The board of directors consists of 7 principal and 5 substitute members elected by the general assembly by secret ballot.

In the ranking to be made according to the number of votes received from the election, the first seven people are considered as principal and the others are considered as substitute members.

Lots shall be drawn among those who receive votes in the Muslim custom. The one who does not draw takes the next turn. Elections to the Board of Directors are held every three years.


The board of directors elects a chairman from among itself. The President divides his duties among the other members as follows. The same procedure is used for task changes. The duties of the members of the board of directors are as follows:

A-President: Represents the association in official authorities and in external relations, administers the meetings of the board of directors and follows the implementation of the decisions taken and ensures the general execution and supervision.

B- II. President: Performs the duties to be indicated by the President. In the absence of the president, he acts as his deputy. In the absence of the President and the Second President, the oldest member shall preside.

C- Secretary General: Carries out the general editorial affairs of the Association and keeps the general books, records and files required to be kept according to the law. It represents the association or is authorized to sign correspondence other than those that put it under deferment.

D- Advisory member: Undertakes the implementation of certain decisions to be taken by the board of directors in the execution and development of the management, social, cultural and scientific activities of the Association or the management of special committees to be established.

E- Treasurer: Keeps the income and expense accounts, the inventory of the movable and immovable properties of the association and keeps the documents related to them. At the end of each month, the account statement showing the financial status of the association is given to the board of directors and auditors. Prepares the financial balance sheet to be presented to the General Assembly and the draft budget for the new year. Supervises the personnel assigned to the treasurer's office.

F-Treasurer: Follows the collection of the revenues of the association and pays the money for the expenses to be incurred. It helps the treasurer in the preparation of the financial balance sheet of the monthly statement and the draft budget for the new year. It supervises the personnel to be assigned with the collection.

G- Local supervisor: Follows the preservation of the goods and materials included in the inventory of the movable and immovable properties of the local, their maintenance, repair, abandonment and supply. It carries out the fulfillment of the decisions taken by the board of directors regarding the forms and conditions of the members to benefit from the locality, the recruitment, dismissal and disciplinary works of the personnel employed in the locality. The board of directors may appoint an assistant to the local supervisor.

Internal Audit: Internal audit is essential in associations. Internal audit is carried out by the board of directors of the association. The fact that the internal audit was carried out by the board of directors does not relieve the audit board of its obligation.

The Board of Auditors shall inspect whether the association operates in accordance with the objectives and work subjects specified to be carried out for the realization of the purpose and purpose set forth in its charter, whether the books, accounts and records are kept in accordance with the legislation and the statutes of the association, in accordance with the principles and procedures determined in the charter of the association and at intervals not exceeding one year, and submits the results of the audit to its members in a report and to the general assembly held every three years.

Upon the request of the members of the Supervisory Board, it is obligatory to show or give all kinds of information, documents and records by the authorities of the association and to fulfill the request to enter the management places, institutions and their annexes.


The Board of Auditors shall observe whether the accounts of the board of directors and the management of the association are carried out within the statutes and decisions of the general assembly. The Board of Auditors shall be elected by the General Assembly as three principal and three substitute members for a period of three years from among the original members.

The Supervisory Board elects one of them as the chairman. In the election of the Supervisory Board, the conditions regarding the election of the members of the board of directors are sought and the procedure is applied.


The sources of income of the association are shown below.

a) The amount of the entrance and annual dues to be paid by the members is determined by the board of directors based on the authority given by the general assembly.

b) Donations

c) Revenues from social, scientific and cultural activities

d) Other income


It is the decision-making authority upon the request of the board of directors or the members about the actions of the members within the association, the general course of the association and the decisions of the board of directors, the principles of love, respect and solidarity that the members of the association are obliged to show towards each other and the rules of professional sensitivity.


It is the duty of the general assembly to amend the statutes of the association. The statutes of the Association are amended by the vote of 2/3 of the members attending the general assembly.


OBJECTIVE: When deemed necessary, the Association may open branches in accordance with paragraph 2/h of the Law on Associations No. 5253 in order to strengthen the relations of the members in the provinces outside the headquarters of the association and to enable them to participate in the activities of the association.


According to the budgets adopted by the General Assembly of the Association and approved by the General Assembly of the Association and the General Assembly of the Association, the branches shall meet their expenses from the revenues they provide on behalf of the Association and transfer one third of this income to the headquarters in quarterly periods. In case of extreme emergency, and subsequently provided that they pay to the headquarters, they may request an allowance from the headquarters if deemed appropriate.


1. General Assembly

2. Board of Directors

3. Supervisory Board

Branch General Assembly

Branch general assemblies consist of members registered in the branch. Branch general assemblies are held at least two months before the headquarters general assembly. Branch general assemblies hold their meetings just like the headquarters general assembly.

Branch Board of Directors

At the end of the secret ballot to be held by the general assembly of the branch, it consists of 5 principal and 5 substitute members. After being elected, they divide their duties by electing a president, a secretary and a treasurer among themselves.

Branch Supervisory Board

It consists of 3 principal and 3 substitute members elected by the general assembly of the branch. After being elected, they will put one of them in the presidency.


The Association borrows on the basis of the authority to be given to the Board of Directors by the General Assembly.


The association may acquire immovable property to accomplish the purposes set forth in this statute. The General Assembly shall only allow the transfer and sale of immovable properties donated to the Association but which are outside the purpose, the establishment of the same rights over them or the dissolution of the Association; The Board of Directors decides on the transfer and sale of movable property and the establishment of the same rights over them. In case of dissolution, the money, property and rights of the Association shall be transferred in accordance with the decision of the General Assembly.

Contact Us

The Turkish Geriatric Physiotherapists Association welcomes any questions or comments you may have. We are here to help. You can contact us by e-mail, phone or visit us in our association building by coordinating in advance.

Dear physiotherapist colleagues!

If you are committed to Geriatric Rehabilitation, join us now.

Our Address: Mutlukent mah. 2023 sok. No:14 Çankaya Ankara Türkiye


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